Thursday, March 28, 2013

Short analysis paper

Joanna Williams
Sally Chandler
Short Analysis Paper

School and games have always been part of two different worlds. When you think of school you think of learning and work but when it comes to games it’s more fun and less serious. In the interview between “CH” and “B” you can tell that they were going back and forth trying to prove a point. Why would some people not want games to be connected to school? In the beginning of the interview “B” comes off very cocky and sure of himself. You get that feeling when “CH” states that “B” considered himself as a hardware expert.  You can already get a sense that “B” thinks very highly of himself when it comes to computer games. Instead of just saying that he knows a lot about gaming software he consider himself as an expert but when you continue to read the interview things start to change.
               As the interview continues he still comes of arrogant, when “CH” ask him “what programs you knows how to use” he simply states “you know.. what everyone knows how to use” you can tell that he was trying to impress “CH”, he was trying to prove to her that he knew a lot about gaming since he was an “expert” Things started to change up through the interview when “CH” started to consider games as software. “B” knew they were software but instead of just saying a simple yes he says “yea, but it’s just games” As he still seems very sure of himself it’s started to show here that him and “CH” had two strong opinions about software.
               The interview goes on and “CH” wants to know “B” background exposure to software. This is when the uncertainty comes in. He starts to say the word “ah” in the beginning of the interview he was sure of himself and was very quick with his answers trying to prove to “CH” that he was the expert he said he was. As “B” starts to explain his background exposure he simply just says that “he has a knack for it.” He explains that he just simply know how to do it when he see scissors he know that means to cut and he know when to drag things. It seems when “CH” heard him say this she knew that was simple “literacy” she knew that his explanation was just simple basic reading skills.
               Why would “B” want to resist the fact that gaming and school has a connection? You can see “B” starts straying away from the question. “CH” tries to explain to “B” that there is a connection when it comes to making games and academics. Instead of “B” trying to level with “CH” and coming on common grounds he starts to just go on and talk about the process of making a game. He was explaining things that most people already know about the gaming process.  “CH” tries to explain to him that the stuff you put into these games you had to learn from somewhere. “B” is quick to answer and say “he cannot connect first shooter with Microsoft Word” In my opinion I believed “CH” knew about gaming and “B” was still trying to show off all the things he knows about gaming software.  Finally when “CH” asked about “filing systems and game spacing,” “B” agrees with her and says that they are software. I believe “B” wasn’t expecting “CH” to know anything about games since he was the expert.
               You see “B” and “CH” going back and forth about this connection and yet “B” didn’t want to see a connection. Most students don’t want games and school to be connected because with games there is no pressure to pass or to win. “B “expressed that he says that when he is making the games no one is grading him or making sure he passes.  “B” seemed like he wanted gaming to be in its on world no connected to school. It’s not bad that there is a connection it’s just that most students enjoy the freedom of games and having it separate makes it easier on them.

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