Thursday, April 25, 2013

In my travel to an elementary school i visted a 2nd grade class. I entered the classroom before the students came in for their daily learning. In the classroom I notice that she had the desk in groups of five and they all had name tags on their desk. I looked around the classroom and I notice the walls were bland but the posters and the different letters on the wall made the room pop! I saw inspirational quotes that she said she made some of them up and the rest was from other historical and inspirational people. I thought this was very unique because she was teaching second grade and the quotes that were written were very inspirational that maybe 2nd graders wouldn’t understand. The teacher told me that she reads one to them every day and that they will understand in the future.  I continued my mini tour around the classroom and notice that there was a smart board in place and computers. She also had three different sections. There was the costume section, math/puzzle section and the reading section. The bell rang and the students entered the classroom. They were very energetic and ready for school. I notice that the student interacted with the teacher very well. They came in and hung up their jackets and book bags in their little cubbies that look like a mini closet for each student. As the students reached their desk they sat down and pulled out their books and prepared for class. Her first section of teaching was reading and she turned on the smart board and then pulled the pictures of the picture book so everyone could read it. I saw the students so engaged and so into the picture book that was on the screen. I looked around the class and I didn’t see any students that were not paying attention and everyone was so involved in the story. Once that section was over it was about 12:00 and the students went to lunch once they returned the teacher separated the students and told them to go to either the reading section or the  math section. In the math section there were 5 students there working on different puzzles, they were using blocks to answer a math question that was on the board. They worked welled together and tried to solve the problem. As the students worked I heard another student in the reading section pretending to read a book but instead the student was conversing with their fellow classmate. The teacher immediately put that to a halt and made them separate. While those students were in the sections the students that were still at their desk worked on some basic math problems. After 15 minutes the students would rotate with the different sections, I noticed that the students that were in the math section didn’t really want to leave and go to the reading section the rather stay working on the math problem and I saw how enthuse the students that were sitting at their desk were ready to go the math section and the students at the reading sections did not want to go back to their desk. I heard a student say that they were going to solve that problem now that they have the blocks. After the teacher finish this part of her class she worked on some grammar and towards the end of the day the teacher gave the students who excel that day during class time to go to the costume section. This section had a chest full of different costumes that the students were allowed to play dress up. The other students sat and had to draw a part of their own story from the reading earlier that day. The students in the coustume area were not getting along at first she had 5 students in that section. Two students started to argue over the police costume and they didn’t want to share. the teacher told them that if they don’t find a solution then they both will have to leave the section and gop back to their desk. Once the students realized that their bickering will cause them to go back to their seats they stopped and one student just deiced to dress in the apron and pretend to be a chef. This students in this section seem to be having a lot of fun, but the students drawing in their seats seem a bit jealous I notice students looking up and observing the other students and not really paying attention to their drawings. The last minutes of class the teacher had cleanup time and all the students came together and cleaned up and retrieved their belongings from the cubbies and stood in a straight line and walked out of the class

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