Thursday, February 7, 2013

5 1/2

In the classroom everyone was trying to pay attention to the professor and trying to jot notes. I noticed students looking around the classroom and laughing once the caught eye contact. As professor T talked to Jillian about her project she joked saying "i should change my project" Once Professor T said something about 200 pages.  Professor T mention that everyone were trying to write down there field notes and participate and the class started to laugh. Janida and I both commented that no one was doing nothing and its nothing to write, as Professor T was talking. Krista was explained her project on college students that were bullied and how it affect them. She explained to the class but i believe no one was really paying attention because they were trying to write down the stuff that was going on. All you see are students heads to there notebooks and giggles being passed around because no one knows what to write. Professor T continued to write on the board and ask the students questions. You could read on a lot of students faces asking why would she ask us questions if we are trying to write down what people are doing.

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