Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blog #9

Blog 9: With your group (one post per group) do the following:
1. Identify which questions assess which learning outcomes (some questions may apply to more than one learning outcome) (For this task - you should list each of the 19 questions under one or more of the 5 learning outcomes).
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of each question in terms of what it allows students to communicate about the knowledge, feelings, and practices they might have with respect to each learning outcome. (for this task, you should produce some comments that account for WHAT information each question provides with respect to the learning outcome it is listed under, and some observations about how well it provides that information)
3. Note (make a list of) any information about the 5 learning outcomes that the Department might need = but that will NOT be gathered through these questions.

Additional questions:
What definition(s) of "writing" and "learning" is assumed by this survey?
Are those definitions a good match for the definitions assumed by the student learning outcomes? Are they a good match for the way the students taking the survey will define writing and learning?
How might you change this survey so that it could provide a more accurate reflection of what students learn in this program? List your suggestions.

 Student Learning Outcome 1

Student Learning Outcome 2

Student Learning Outcome 3

Student Learning Outcome 4
8,10, 13,

Student Learning Outcome 5
3, 8,9,12,

The survey covers what students are knowing and learning. We believe it asked the basic questions about English. Most of the questions offered how the students feel about their writing. I believe if the teachers understood how the students felt about their writing they could get a better understanding on how to teach. It covered all the objects but We think they could of added more about learning then writing. There were a lot of questions on writing but not much on the learning process.                    
Writing is express in the survey when you introduce the questions on how a student might be able to revised their work. Also when you ask the students about their brainstorming process this also will enhance a students writing ability. Learning is involved in the survey when the questions ask how they are able to grasp the different information they learn in the different English classes.This is a good match because it shows how the children will be using these definitions when furthering there learning in this major. There could be more information on learning as there is with writing. I would change the survey by adding more personal questions regarding writing on student’s spare time. Also I would add more questions to suggest how their writing style is because when they do the survey the second time you could see if their writing style has changed or not. I will also add more questions on how their writing reflects to their other courses besides English.

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