Thursday, February 28, 2013

blog 11

Blog 11:  With your group - pose a new question about teacher comments.  What categories + codes would you use to answer this question?  What patterns do you see in our data set with respect to your new question?

·        What’s are the comments that bring changes students performance?
o   Comments that are positive in nature:
§  Praise notes- its boost their self-esteem
§  Decreased disruptive behaviors because it adds to a positive classroom.
§  Classroom motivation- (ex: more participation in discussions)
§  Self-efficacy
§  Academic learning success because it increases their knowledge.
§  Their writing abilities improve.
§  When students are being praised they are more likely to repeat the good behavior. 

            The above statements are all features of positive learning community.  This learning community is essential for all learning to occur.  Students will be able to enhance their work when positive feedback is given.

·        Teachers would underline words or sentences with a distinct pen but would not cease praising (ex: red).
·        Teachers would leave comments at the end of the paper stating the good things that were well done and things that need improvement.
·        Teachers could be more in detail with their feedback on students work.  With technology now teachers are able to leave comments on the side of the paper, and or, after a sentence. (ex: “A new idea seems to start here, elaborate more on the idea or give an example.”)
·        Teachers can enforce doing drafts so the student can know how to enhance their final paper.

Patterns on Data Set:

·        Language:
o    We see a pattern in the code examples provided, which all are part of a positive learning community.
We see that language creates things. We see a pattern of positive language usage.  When a teacher gives back positive language (feedback) then you will see the changes develop in the students work.  When students receive the positive feedback they will want to continue to improve their writing and their behavior.  This helps create the learning community

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